All of our kratom powder, powder extracts, and capsules are supplied by an American Kratom Association C.G.M.P vendor.

Finally a place where retail customers and vendors can shop for top tier, lab tested kratom and kratom products without giving the middle finger to their wallets.

Browse through our wide selection of kratom products

Our Philosophy at Mr. Nice Ky Kratom

We don't possess the moral flexibility to sell you the same thing as everyone else and tell you it's different. We also don't make delusional claims like, "our kratom is the best in the world". Our competitors make these claims because they have to tell you that they are special, that you must choose them over hundreds of other companies out there who are doing the exact same thing. We take pride in the "Mr. Nice Ky" name, and we strive to provide a service that is truly unique. What makes us truly unique, is that we offer vastly superior value without gimmicks.
Get in touch with us today by calling 280-880-3890.

Message to Vendors

See why we're the preferred supplier for kratom.

How is quality kratom defined?

Generally our kratom is in the 1.3% -1.7% range. These numbers may not seem that high, but we know that other companies cherry pick their best labs in order to deceive customers into believing that their kratom is stronger than it actually is. Kratom above 1.8% mitragynine is incredibly rare and if you don't believe us speak to a representative of one of the companies who are doing lab testing. Potency is only one measure of quality, you also have to consider the grind (i.e consistency), the microbiome levels (yeast, mold, coliforms), the smell, the taste, the moisture content, the heavy metal content, and most importantly that it is not contaminated with salmonella, or e-coli. I have vetted my supplier extensively to ensure that my kratom checks all of these boxes. Additionally, the kratom I sell is sanitized with gamma light and has about the lowest microbiome levels you could find anywhere.